How to Practice Self Defense

by Jimmy Cox

The word Ketsugo means combination. In essence it is a combination of the best and most effective self defense moves from the greatest methods of hand-to-hand combat ever devised.

Training and Condition

As Ketsugo is a physical art, training and condition are most essential. In considering your diet, it is wise to eat well, eat an abundance of high protein foods, stay away from an excess of sugar, starches and fats, drink plenty of liquids, avoid intemperate drinks and remember that your body needs the proper amount and types of vitamins. The proper diet is certainly the first step toward good conditioning.

In Ketsugo, it is not the muscular strength that is important, but the speed and accuracy with which a movement is performed that spells the difference between the success and failure of a defense. You can improve your speed and perfect your coordination with some simple techniques. Study these techniques and you will greatly increase your effectiveness in Ketsugo.

Suspend a rubber ball from the ceiling or door frame. This can be done by making a hole in the ball with a knife or ice pick, forcing a piece of string through it, and tying a knot at the end of the string so the ball will not slip off. Practice hitting the ball with light blows using both hands.

Then, practice hitting the ball while it is moving, remembering that accuracy and speed should be your only considerations - not power. In a similar manner, practice kicking the ball while it is moving, alternating your feet. Again, practice for speed and accuracy.

Jumping rope is, oddly enough, one of the best ways of improving your speed and coordination. Try this until you can jump without hitting the rope with your feet, continually trying to increase the speed of your jump and movement of the rope.

Glue a rubber sponge to the end of a stick. With your partner, practice blocking blows from the stick, having your partner increase his attack as your ability improves. Practice kicking and slashing, using force and speed as you progress. An integral part of conditioning for Ketsugo are the warming-up exercises that should be done before each practice.

For a trunk-twisting exercise, twist your body as far as you can in circular motions in both directions, without moving the feet.

To loosen your joints, relax your muscles while shaking your wrists and ankles. Another good exercise for warming-up is called rabbit-hopping. As the name implies you hop up and forward like a rabbit. Increase your distance every day until you can hop and jump for a distance of 100 feet.

Another important part of conditioning is proper breathing. If you are an average person, you are probably not breathing correctly right now. Most of us take breathing for granted. However, it is important to note that correct breathing is an aid to the more active muscular coordination necessary for lightning defense.

In order to obtain maximum physical and psychological strength at a critical moment when a gasp for breath could put you at a terrific disadvantage, practice the breathing exercise. Stand erect and inhale very slowly. Then hold your breath for as long as you can without straining or becoming uncomfortable. Finally, exhale in a rapid, forceful style through the mouth so that the air gushes out. Repeat this exercise every day, holding your breath a little longer each time.

So far we have dealt only with the physical training and conditioning of your body. Now let us deal briefly with your mental well being. Since Ketsugo involves a direct encounter between two or more human beings, the psychological factors brought into play are very important. It is important to remember to be as calm as the surface of still water when facing an attacker.

If you are upset, you may miss the one weakness that may exist in an adversary's movement. When you are attacked, never forget the finality of the enemy's move. Watch carefully for an opening and apply the proper techniques.

Remember these principles and you will be well on your way to defending yourself.

About the Author

Never Be Afraid Again - Learn How To Defend Yourself From Any Attack

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