Friday, January 28, 2011

Hun Sen Cup 2011 Late16 Teams

Saturday Matches 29/01/2011


1. Police Military of Stung Treng 0 : 3 National Police Commissary.


2. National Defence Ministry 2 : 1 Chma Khmao.

and Sunday Macthes 30/01/2011


1. Nara Corp 4 : 0 Koh Kong


2. Kirivong Sok Sen Chey 4 : 1 Takeo

Friday, January 21, 2011

Hun Sen Cup 2011 Late16 Teams

Saturday 22 January 2011

14:00 ----------- Prek Pra Keila 5 : 1 Battambang.

16:30 ----------- Build Bright United 6 : 1 Rithy Sen.

Sunday 23 January 2011

14:00 ------------ Preah Khan Reach 3 : 2 Neak Khiev.

16:30 ------------ Phnom Penh Crown 5 : 1 Chhlam Samuth.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hun Sen Cup 2011

Last Matches of group stage

Group A

1. Prek Pra Keila 3 : 0 Banteay Meanchey.

2. Rithy Sen 5 : 0 Mekong Kampuchea University.

Group C

1. Preah Khan Reach 2 : 0 Chhlam Samuth.

2. Kratie v Preah Vihear (Kratie won because Preah Vihear abandoned the match.

Group E

1. Western University 1 : 0 Kanda.

2. Chhma Khmao 1 : 1 Stung Treng.

Group G

1. Naga Corp 6 : 0 Kep.

2. Takeo 0 : 0 Sihanouk Autonomous Port.

Hun Sen Cup 2011

Results of Tuesday

Group B

1. Build Bright United 6 : 0 Oddar Meanchey.

2. Battambang 7 : 1 Pailin.

Group D

1. Phnom Penh Crown 5 : 0 Baksey Chamkrong.

2. Neak Khiev 7 : 1 Kompong Thom.

Group F

1. National Defence 3 : 1 National Police Commissary.

Prey Veng 2 : 2 Life University.

Group H

Koh Kong 4 : 0 Kompong Speu.

2. Kirivong Sok Sen Chey 4 : 1 Kampot.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hun Sen Cup 2011


Group A

14:00 ----------- Prek Pra Keila 2 : 0 Rithy Sen.

16:00 ----------- Banteay Meanchey 0 : 3 Mekong Kampuchea University.

Group C

14:00 ---------- Preah Khan Reach 20 : 0 Preah Vihear.

16:00 ---------- Chhlam Samuth 10 : 0 Kratie.

Group E

14:00 ---------- Chhma Khmao 0: 0 Western University.

16:00 ---------- Stung Treng 3 : 1 Kandal.

Group G

14:00 --------- Naga Corp 2 : 0 Takeo.

16:00 --------- Kep 0 : 6 Preah Sihanouk Autonomous Port.

Hun Sen Cup 2011


Group B

14:00 ----------- Oddar Meanchey 4 : 2 Pailin.

16:00 ----------- Build Bright United 6 : 0 Battambang.

Group D

14:00 ----------- Baksey Chamkrong 2 : 5 Neak Khiev.

16:00 ----------- Phnom Penh Crown 6 : 1 Kompong Thom.

Group F

14:00 ----------- National Police Commissary 3 : 1 Life University.

16:00 ----------- National Defence 3 : 1 Prey Veng.

Group H

14:00 ------------ Kampot 1 : 2 Koh Kong.

16:00 ------------ Kirivong Sok Sen Chey 16 : 0 Kompong Speu.

Hun Sen Cup 2011

Saturday, 8th January

Battambang Province

Group A

14:00 ---------- Rithy Sen 2 : 1 Banteay Meanchey.

16:00 ---------- Mekong Kampuchea University 1 : 1 Prek Pra Keila.

Kampong Thom Province

Group C

14:00 ---------- Preah Vihear 2 : 8 Chlam Samuth.

16:00 ---------- Kratie 1 : 6 Preah Khanreach.

Prey Veng Province

Group E

14:00 ---------- Western University 1 : 1 Stung Treng.

16:00 ---------- Kandal 1 : 2 Chhma Khmao.

Takeo Province

Group G

14:00 ------------ Takeo 4 : 1 Kep.

16:00 ------------ Autonomous Port Preah Sihanouk 0 : 8 Naga Corp.

Hun Sen Cup 2011

Saturday, 7th January.

Battambang Province:

Group B

08:00 ---------- Pailin 1 : 9 Build Bright United.

16:00 ---------- Battambang 4 : 2 Odor Meanchey.

Kampong Thom Province:

Group D

08:00 ----------- Neak Khiev 0 : 4 Phnom Penh Crown.

16:00 ----------- Kampong Thom 1 : 4 Baksey Chamkrong.

Prey Veng Province:

Group F

08:00 ----------- Life University 0 : 2 National Defense Ministry.

16:00 ----------- Prey Veng 0 : 5 National Police Commissary.

Takeo Province:

Group H

08:00 ----------- Kampongspeu 1 : 14 Kampot.

16:00 ----------- Koh Kong 1 : 8 Kirivong Sok Sen Chey.