Maradona To Coach Argentina for 2010
by Giorgio Pirelli
He's one of the greatest players in the world and has now taken over as coach of the Argentinean national team. The legendary wearer of the number 10 soccer shirt, Maradona, is back in action for this country. He dreams of winning the FIFA World Cup one more time - this time from the sidelines as he steers his team to victory and makes soccer history... Now, 48 years of age, Maradona is a seasoned man with a look of having been through it all and survived it. Beset by addiction problems, he seems to have fought his demons hard and won over them. He's even cheated death on occasion! As Maradona himself admits, the worst has already happened... His daughter actually pulled him out from the bottom of the sea... His fans and countrymen have every reason to rejoice as he takes the field again to teach the younger lot. After all, who can forget this legend's on pitch skills? Maradona enjoyed the years when he was playing for Argentine the most, but now duty calls, duty to his country, to his team and to himself. A confident Maradona is sure that Argentina will sail through the 2010 World Cup qualifications. He considers coaching his country a dream come true, though explains that he's only had the boys together for about 40 days since he joined. But Maradona being who he is, he plans to make the most of it. He should have all his players together for 20 days before the World Cup and that's when he plans to lay the foundation and work towards becoming world champions. So, if you're an Argentinean fan, get your world cup soccer jerseys ready for the big event in South Africa!
Coach Maradona's strategy for the team is to vigorously press up front, thereby decreasing the space between attack, midfield and defense. And he's quick to point out that when his team loses the ball, it should be on top of the other team right away without losing precious time. Considering Argentina has an enviable possession rate, it needs to make the most of it.
This soccer uniform number 10 is driven by a dream to win the World Cup once again and to meet Nelson Mandela while in South Africa! He fondly remembers the first time he held the World Cup Trophy... He touched it kissed it and wouldn't let go! That according to Maradona is the 'most beautiful thing'. And that's what he's been telling his players - 30 days of sacrifice to win the World Cup are nothing in a man's life... kissing that trophy is like touching the sky...
Which brings us to something else in Maradona's life that makes him feel like he's touching the sky - his grandson. Yes, this legend is a grandfather! And for him, nothing compares to watching his grandchild... Maybe, it's Maradona's turn to live a calm and smooth life after much struggle and adversity. We are with him... Go Diego!
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Browse through Custom Soccer Uniforms extensive collection of replica soccer kits.
He's one of the greatest players in the world and has now taken over as coach of the Argentinean national team. The legendary wearer of the number 10 soccer shirt, Maradona, is back in action for this country. He dreams of winning the FIFA World Cup one more time - this time from the sidelines as he steers his team to victory and makes soccer history... Now, 48 years of age, Maradona is a seasoned man with a look of having been through it all and survived it. Beset by addiction problems, he seems to have fought his demons hard and won over them. He's even cheated death on occasion! As Maradona himself admits, the worst has already happened... His daughter actually pulled him out from the bottom of the sea... His fans and countrymen have every reason to rejoice as he takes the field again to teach the younger lot. After all, who can forget this legend's on pitch skills? Maradona enjoyed the years when he was playing for Argentine the most, but now duty calls, duty to his country, to his team and to himself. A confident Maradona is sure that Argentina will sail through the 2010 World Cup qualifications. He considers coaching his country a dream come true, though explains that he's only had the boys together for about 40 days since he joined. But Maradona being who he is, he plans to make the most of it. He should have all his players together for 20 days before the World Cup and that's when he plans to lay the foundation and work towards becoming world champions. So, if you're an Argentinean fan, get your world cup soccer jerseys ready for the big event in South Africa!
Coach Maradona's strategy for the team is to vigorously press up front, thereby decreasing the space between attack, midfield and defense. And he's quick to point out that when his team loses the ball, it should be on top of the other team right away without losing precious time. Considering Argentina has an enviable possession rate, it needs to make the most of it.
This soccer uniform number 10 is driven by a dream to win the World Cup once again and to meet Nelson Mandela while in South Africa! He fondly remembers the first time he held the World Cup Trophy... He touched it kissed it and wouldn't let go! That according to Maradona is the 'most beautiful thing'. And that's what he's been telling his players - 30 days of sacrifice to win the World Cup are nothing in a man's life... kissing that trophy is like touching the sky...
Which brings us to something else in Maradona's life that makes him feel like he's touching the sky - his grandson. Yes, this legend is a grandfather! And for him, nothing compares to watching his grandchild... Maybe, it's Maradona's turn to live a calm and smooth life after much struggle and adversity. We are with him... Go Diego!
About the Author
Browse through Custom Soccer Uniforms extensive collection of replica soccer kits.