Countdown to the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa
by brono pisino With less than 300 days to go to the 2010 FIFA World Cup, South Africa is in top gear in terms of preparation and spirit. Receiving a shot in the arm for successfully hosting and organizing the recently held Confederations Cup, the country is all set to deliver on its promise to host a spectacular World Cup for fans worldwide. Even US President Obama is expected to attend the opening ceremony! Wonder if he'll get into the spirit of the game and wear a soccer shirt or the South African makaraba hat?! Or, who knows, maybe he'll even have his own vuvuzela to blow on! Dr Danny Jordaan, Chief Executive Officer of the Organizing Committee, stressed that the 300 day mark should serve as a reminder of the important work completed and more that still needs to be done in the build up to the tournament. "It is important to record this milestone as a significant one in our country's history, but for those involved in organizing the tournament - from the constructio...