FIFA Soccer
by saurabhgubta In some countries throughout the world FIFA football is named as FIFA Soccer. It is in some countries as like as football video games. These games are released in the electronic arts and named as EA game. It begins in the late 1993. There are now English Premier League and Football League, Italian Series A, Spanish Primera Liga, the Australian A-League and US Major League Soccer. The main series of FIFA Soccer is the tournament of FIFA World Cup, UEFA European Championship and UEFA Champions League. FIFA international Soccer was released in 1993 for most popular platforms of the time. But FIFA 95 had not ability to play with club teams. FIFA 96 pushed the boundaries and obtained the FIFPro license, the PC 32X and Sega Satum versions. FIFA 98 improved the graphics. But this FIFA games has met some criticisms. FIFA has a tagline of FIFA International Soccer has it all………. Experience sheer brilliance. It covers David Platt shielding the ball in England vs. Poland, Pa...