
Showing posts from September, 2008

FIFA Soccer

by saurabhgubta In some countries throughout the world FIFA football is named as FIFA Soccer. It is in some countries as like as football video games. These games are released in the electronic arts and named as EA game. It begins in the late 1993. There are now English Premier League and Football League, Italian Series A, Spanish Primera Liga, the Australian A-League and US Major League Soccer. The main series of FIFA Soccer is the tournament of FIFA World Cup, UEFA European Championship and UEFA Champions League. FIFA international Soccer was released in 1993 for most popular platforms of the time. But FIFA 95 had not ability to play with club teams. FIFA 96 pushed the boundaries and obtained the FIFPro license, the PC 32X and Sega Satum versions. FIFA 98 improved the graphics. But this FIFA games has met some criticisms. FIFA has a tagline of FIFA International Soccer has it all………. Experience sheer brilliance. It covers David Platt shielding the ball in England vs. Poland, Pa...

The History of the Most Elite of All International Sports: The Olympics

by Lyden Although the Olympics are much anticipated by people around the world, it may come as a bit of surprise to learn that no one really knows where the idea for the Olympic events developed. While historians do know that the Olympic games were an important aspect of ancient Greek culture, they are not sure why they decided to create the Olympic games in the first place. The Legend of the Origin of the Olympic Games Although there are many legends regarding the origin of the Olympic games, the most popular is that Zeus created the games along with his son Heracles. The legend states that the father and son first held the event in order to pay honor to the defeat of Cronus and Zeus's subsequent reign over the heavens. Heracles is credited with having named the event the "Olympics" and for deciding to hold the event once every four years. The Olympics in Ancient Greece Regardless of where the Olympic games originated, the event was an important part of the ancient Greec...

London is top choice for top football

by Paul McIndoe The English professional football season is in full flow between August and April and many visitors to London during that period take the opportunity to see one of the capital's top teams in action at some point during their stay. London is particularly well represented in the Premier League, with a quarter of the division's 20 teams based in the capital. Arsenal and Tottenham, both based in the north of London have fans that contest a fierce local rivalry but a more friendly competition exists between Fulham and Chelsea; both based in trendy West London. West Ham are the east of London's sole contenders in the top flight and their big local rivals Millwall currently play in League One of the Football League. On rare weekends during the season when there is no Premier League football played in the capital there is an alternative in The Football League Championship offers a choice of three teams. The next tier down in the football pyramid, The Championship bo...

Football Shirts For Football Fans

by Soophott Lert It is always good to express your interest in any sport you like through its merchandise. As far as sports are concerned, merchandise definitely plays a significant role in portraying the person as a fan. Many people buy products supporting the player or team of their choice. In football, players are distinguished by the shirts what they wear. The trademark of a team is in its team logo that is printed on the jersey of every player along with their names and numbers that help in distinguishing them from each other. Football fanatics usually buy football shirts of their favorite team so that they can show their support to everyone. Get The Best Football Shirts. A good sports equipment store will definitely have football shirts for every team that people support. These shirts are generally inexpensive and may be worn at any time of the day. Before, these shirts were made up of heavy materials like cotton. But nowadays you find them made of polyester and nylon, which make...