
Showing posts from December, 2007

Playing Soccer

by Jonathon Hardcastle 0 plugs plug it Soccer is a game enjoyed the world over by both spectators and participants alike, as a faced paced, team sport which requires athleticism and skill in equal measure. If you're interested in participating in soccer, either in an organized or spontaneous manner, there are plenty of opportunities for getting involved. Soccer as a sport relies much less on equipment than physical effort. The benefit of this is that you can get going with very little initial financial outlay. With little more than a ball, you can get going and have a great deal of fun with as little as three players. All you require is a sufficient number of participants, objects to act as goalposts, and a ball before you're ready to get playing. It's even possible just to have a kick around with the ball, although the traditional format is a game of two teams comprising of 11 players. Of the 11 players, one will play as a goal keeper, standing between the goal posts. The ...


ASIAN COUNTRIES FIFA RANKING Thai Land --------Ranking ------ 121 ------ Score ------ 261 ------ Singapore --------Ranking ------- 126 ------- Score ------ 224 ------ Indonesia ------- Ranking ------- 133 ------- Score ------- 189 ------- Viet Nam ------- Ranking ------- 142 ------- Score --------159 ------ Myanmar ------- Ranking ------- 157 ------- Score ------ 100 ------ Malaysia ---------Ranking ------- 159 ------ Score --------98 ------ Lao --------------Ranking ------- 176 ------ Score --------45 ------ Philippines -------Ranking ------- 179 -------Score ------- 40 ----- Cambodia --------Ranking ------- 183 ------- Score -------- 30 --- Brunei -----------Ranking --------188 ------- Score ------- 24 --- East Timor ------ Ranking ------- 201 ------ Score ------- 0


THE TOP FOOTBALL COUNTRIES 12-2007 1. Argentina ---- Score ---- 1523 ---- 2. Brazil -------- Score ---- 1502 ---- 3. Italy --------- Score ---- 1498 ---- 4. Spain -------- Score ---- 1349 ---- 5. Germany ---- Score ---- 1298 ---- 6. Chzech Republic ---- Score ---- 1290 ---- 7. France ------- Score ---- 1243 ------ 8. Belgium ------ Score ---- 1241 ----- 9. Nether Land ------ ...

Sea Games Football Matches

Group B 1/12---------15h30:----Viet Nam 3 - 1 Malaysia 15h30:----Lao 0 - 0 Singapore Group A 2/12---------15h30:----Indonesia 3 - 1 Cambodia 18h30:----Thai Land 3 -2 Myanmar Group B 3/12---------15h30:-------Malaysia 5 - 0 Lao 15h30:-------Viet Nam 2 - 3 Singapore Group A 4/12---------15h30:--------Indonesia 0 - 0 Myanmar 18h30:--------Thai Land 8 - 0 Cambodia Group A 7/12---------14h30:--------Myanmar 6 - 2 Cambodia 19h45:--------Thai Land 2 - 1 Indonesia Group B 8/12---------15h30:--------Viet Nam 2 - 1 Lao 15g30:---------Singapore 1 -1Malaysia Semi Final 11/12 -------14h30:---------Vietnam 0 - 0Myanmar( S1) Myanmar won by penalties 3-1 19h45:--------- Thai Land 3 - 0 Singapore( S2) 3rd Place 14/12-------15h30:---------Viet Nam0- 5 Singapore Final 18h30------Thai Land 2 - 0 Myanmar